Distillation Column
Column stills built from high quality copper andsanitary stainless steel, and designed for longevity and maximumoutput, will allow you to produce more ofyour best spirits around the clock, used to derive white or neutral spirits like vodka, gin and white rum.Tiantai provides a complete distillation process system including mash tun, fermentation tank, spirit storage tanks, wine tanks, etc.
Solid copper body with stainless steel flanges
Solid copper distillation plates
Individual plate control levers to engage or disengage each plate
Clean-in-place spray balls come standard above and below each plate and dephlegmator
DIN sight glasses
Shell and tube dephlegmator (stainless or copper)
Shell and tube final product condenser
Optional feed system, and accessories
Accessory ports for fill, drain, transfer, and sensors
Main Features
Build your column in any size, based on your desired production
Designs cater to the volume and type of any spirit you’dlike to produce
Columns can be used for stripping or, with the addition of rectifying trays
Distill Low Proof up to 95% ABV Spirits
A highly flexibility setup with the capability to produce multiple types of spirits
Increase alcohol recovery rates
Improve consistency with integrated automation control
Every column we build considers your mash recipes to ensureefficient operation and high performance