How should I clean and maintain my distillation equipment when using it for the first time?

Copper is a durable, rich material that will last you decades if cleaned and cared for properly. It’s inexpensive to clean your copper still, but it does take a little time and effort on a regular schedule to keep it in tip-top, polished condition. You can clean your copper still with homemade recipes of flour, vinegar, and salt, or you can purchase commercial copper cleaners. Using a commercial cleaner may require additional steps or safety precautions before using the still for a run.

What are the benefits of cleaning your stills on a regular basis?
When copper is exposed to the environment, it oxidises and the colour fades to a bluish-green hue, finally becoming virtually black. Patina is the natural colour that occurs when copper metal is used over time. However, to keep the interior safe to produce useable distillates, you will want to thoroughly clean the interior of your still after each use.

The first cleaning and vinegar run
When you are ready to use your copper still for the first time, gather the disassembled parts and wash them thoroughly with hot, soapy water. After drying them, you will perform a “vinegar run” to remove impurities and prep the still for use.

Place the pot of your still over your heat source, and fill it to about 20% capacity with an equal mixture of water and vinegar. Assemble the parts of the still and turn on the heat without setting up your cooling process for the condenser. Soon after the water boils, steam, water, and vinegar will come out of the condenser spout into your collection container. You can turn off the heat, and you should allow all parts of the copper still to cool before disassembling, rinsing with hot water, drying, and using them for the first run of your distilled water, alcohol, or essential oil.

Regular interior maintenance
If you’re using your copper still, it’s important for the safety and purity of your products that you keep the interior clean. In addition to the important vinegar run before the first use, you will want to let your still cool thoroughly and disassemble it for cleaning after every use. The heat and alcohol vapors help protect and clean the copper, but you want to make sure that no build up collects which could contaminate your alcohol or essential oils.

After rinsing your copper still pot, fill it to about 10% capacity with clean water and dedicate an unused toilet scrub brush as your still-cleaning brush. Scrub all parts of the pot’s interior thoroughly. If your copper still has a column, rinse it well, and then use a carboy cleaning brush to scrub it – it should be about the right size and shape for the job. Rinse your copper still thoroughly with clean water, and dry it completely. Store it in a safe, dry place until its next use.

Still polishing your copper
Polishing your copper while it’s still on the exterior gives it a brilliant, gleaming finish. While you’re at it, choose a non-toxic polish and stay away from abrasive cleaners at all costs. To avoid your still getting tarnished by the very cleaners that are supposed to remove tarnish, rinse carefully and dry it after using whatever cleaner you choose to give it a shine.

High-quality goods and great-tasting spirits come from well-maintained stills. Copper stills, in particular, are more successful at removing sulphur compounds from your moonshine, resulting in a great-tasting product. Depending on the type and purpose of your still, you’ll want to take special care to clean it properly. Cleaning with warm or hot water is also advised since it removes not only dirt and oil residues but also hidden bacteria. In the end, frequent cleaning and maintenance will keep your distillery in peak operating order for longer.


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