tiantai 1000l hybrid still

The Versatility of Hybrid Stills in Crafting Spirits

When it comes to distilling spirits, the choice of still is a key decision that affects the character and quality of the final product. Traditional pot stills and column stills have long been the mainstays of the distillation world, each offering unique advantages. However, for those who find it challenging to decide between these two distillation giants, there’s an exciting alternative – the hybrid still. In this article, we’ll explore the innovative world of hybrid stills, which seamlessly blend the best of both pot and column stills to provide distillers with remarkable flexibility and control over their craft.


tiantai 1000l hybrid still


Meet the Hybrid Still: A Combination of Tradition and Innovation


The hybrid still is an ingenious fusion of pot and column stills, offering distillers the “two in one” solution.


Hybrid stills come in different configurations, each offering specific advantages. This design offers flexibility for distillers who wish to switch between pot still and column still distillation characteristics. When the distiller desires the robust character of a pot still, all the plates in the column can be opened. Instead, to create spirits akin to bourbon or neutral spirit, the plates will be integrated into the distilling process.


hybrid still


Some have the rectification column mounted on the pot still, featuring many column plates. In another variant, the pot and column stills are physically separate but connected through pipes and switching valves. This design allows greater flexibility in terms of process paths and distillation properties. By manipulating various valve combinations, distillers can fine-tune the distillation process to create a diverse range of spirits.


And common is a gin basket, which is a stainless steel chamber. The addition of a gin basket allows for the infusion of botanical flavors into the distillate vapor. The gin basket will be fitted with a bypass valve that allows steam to bypass the gin basket and go directly to the next step when the botanical flavors are not desired.


Hybrid stills are advantageous for distilleries with limited room height and those who prioritize the still’s appearance. The compact design allows distillers to maximize their space while maintaining aesthetics.


They are particularly favored by small and innovative distillers who appreciate the adaptability and precision these stills offer. Many large distilleries have adopted hybrid stills, leveraging their capabilities to craft unique and high-quality spirits.



These “two in one” wonders offer unparalleled flexibility and control, making them the ideal choice for those seeking to push the boundaries of creativity and flavor in the world of spirits. With a hybrid still, distillers can confidently unlock endless possibilities for their craft.

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